Black People Suck



It is easy to blame other people for your problems. The Black community has been doing that since I can remember. In the 60’s they rioted. In the 70’s they rioted again. This pattern seemed to follow every decade from then until now. They are the only group in America (probably the most diverse country in the world) that riots regularly. In recent years many of these riots have gone unreported or under reported. It has become regular business for large groups of Blacks to conduct raids on shopping centers and especially malls throughout the country. This happens so often the whole idea of a mall has become obsolete due in large part to the danger of mall invasions by Blacks. Colin Flaherty, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist has been reporting on this for many years now and has authored 2 books on the subject one titled “Don’t Make The Black Kids Angry” and the other “White Girl Bleed A Lot” in which Blacks are often portrayed as violent children. Which frankly is how many of them behave.

Let’s refresh ourselves on history a bit shall we?

Slavery has been around at least since recorded time and it is still very active today. In fact there are so many slaves in the world today that they can be had for as little as a few hundred dollars. Slaves cost 20K+ dollars in today’s money back just prior to the Civil War. Every culture in the world has had slaves both from their own people and additionally from peoples who they conquered. Those conquered people who were unsuitable for slavery were usually murdered. Blacks were not the first slaves in the America’s and the first person to legally own a slave in the United States was a Black man. American Indians owned Black slaves (among others) and only a tiny percentage of Whites owned slaves. The Atlantic slave trade was established by Jews and the slaves were provided by Africans through capture and/or conquest.

It is ridiculous to give Abraham Lincoln credit for ending slavery. Ending slavery was never Lincolns goal and the end of legal slavery in America was just a fortunate circumstance of the war. Though he did desire slavery to end, as most Americans did at the time, in his own words he wouldn’t have freed a single slave if it meant the end of the union. Most historians believe slavery had fallen into such disfavor with the public and due to some farming inventions slavery would have ended without a conflict anyway as an obsolete and unnecessary institution.

The 1960’s marked the end of a lot of obstacles for Blacks while at the same time creating new ones. In an attempt to save his failing presidency Lyndon Johnson created programs that were at least in theory designed to help Blacks, but instead caused the near obliteration of the Black nuclear family. If you lived in an inner city you could get more money and benefits without a husband than often with one. Johnson became such a failure as a president that he declined to run for a second term to avoid a humiliating defeat.

What Blacks desperately wanted was some kind of identity besides just African. They wanted a history that didn’t depend on slavery. Sadly neither of these needs could be met as most African tribes hadn’t kept records and in the 60’s and 70’s etc. there were no DNA tests to help Blacks discover which parts of Africa they might have originated from.  So they basically created their own culture … out of their hatred of Whites.

The 70’s and 80’s brought the sexual revolution and with it came a sort of drug revolution. Cocaine, crack, marijuana and quaaludes were the recreational drugs of the age with Blacks being among the largest group of dealers in the crack and marijuana business. This of course helped spawn the Black Gangsta culture which Blacks adopted quickly as music morphed into rap/hip hop music which glorified criminality and degrading women. This ultimately would be considered Black culture in America and within a few years Blacks went from churchgoing folks trying to make it in the world to heathens trying to game whatever system they could. Bear in mind that not all Blacks followed this path however a large enough percentage of them did that criminality became Black culture.

One might assume that this culture would be rejected by most Americans and perhaps that is true enough, however many American’s began to downplay criminality in a misguided attempt to connect with Blacks and that only encouraged the worship of criminal behavior. Gangster, pimp, and other terms of anti social, illegal and immoral behavior became glorified not just by the Black community but by other communities as well that wanted to somehow support the Black community.

Everything I’ve laid out here leads us up to today where Black Lives Matter, a group created out of a lie by lesbian communists, is now the de-facto voice of the African American community. Though this group is directly connected to several murders, it has actually become mainstream so much so that the United Nations has recently shown support for the group for dubious reasons that have nothing to do with civil rights.

Today we have Blacks who have no excuse (as if there ever is one) to riot. We’ve had a Black president that served 2 terms because of the White vote (mostly female) and 2 Secretary’s of State who were Black. And yet there they are in the streets demanding more handouts after 50 years of Affirmative Action involving preferential treatment in areas like employment and education claiming everyone else doesn’t do enough for them.

Let’s turn the tables a bit here and ask ourselves how Blacks treat Whites when Whites are the minority. Fortunately (or unfortunately) we have examples of this very scenario. In Zimbabwe, Blacks sole land owned by White farmers outright and in South Africa, murders of Whites by Blacks is a daily routine. Also in South Africa Blacks have been trying to take away farmlands owned by Whites and would have already were it not for world banks and political influences that are slowing down the process. If you want to see real racism go visit either one of these countries where the racism is blatant and in your face.

Clearly Whites when they are the majority, treat Blacks much better than Blacks treat Whites when Blacks are the majority.

Throughout these last 50 years one thing has become painfully clear. There is nothing anyone can do to placate Blacks. Blacks will never be happy in America or at least a large percentage of Blacks will never be happy. They will always demand more and play the victim card because they can.

So how do we solve the problem? The only real way to solve the problem is to get rid of the trouble makers or at least appear to. What if the government offered every Black willing to relocate to Africa a free plane ride and $100,000 with the stipulation that they may never return to America. Of course most hard working Blacks who don’t feel victimized will stay but the stupid and lazy will jump at the chance to “escape” the evil White man. Those who stayed wouldn’t be able to play the race card anymore either. I know this seems like a fairly radical idea but after 50 years of rioting it’s enough already. If Blacks can’t or won’t get their shit together then we need to force the issue. Shut up and stay or gtfo.

America was born a White country and it is still a White majority country. The majority can no longer be held hostage by a small vocal minority. Sometimes tough decisions have to be made if we want to preserve the Constitutional Republic of The United States of America. We certainly can’t keep going on like this.

About Patrick

retired RCR (registered commodities representative)
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52 Responses to Black People Suck

  1. Diane says:

    This is what happens when you let blacks have any leeway! They take advantage, they are violent, and they are stupid! they run amok. No other race acts like this! WTF?

    • Deen says:

      Blks for the most part are the most docile and peaceful people in the world. How else can you account for them being treated like horse manure and doing very little about it? We should be grateful blacks rejected the tactics of earlier black extremists.

    • catherine m. allen says:

      I am so angered, that blacks are controlling our country, yet committing the majority of crime. WTF

    • T says:

      The violent people on the planet calling people violent, go figure, riddle me this when has there ever been a time pink people have been more civilized than anyone else? Can one well me either😂

  2. Shanna says:

    Black people are the worst!!!

  3. Jeff says:

    Blacks in the United States are the worst black people in the World. They are lazy, privileged nasty people who expect to be treated as privileged. They get away with killings, rapping and looting because they are black. Black people in the United States are the most racist black people in the world. They have everything handed to them by the government and the Democrats it disgusting. They are so proud of being Black because it means they get everything handed to them for free and act arrogant and nasty about it at the same time. They should look closely to wear they come from cannibals’ in Africa. They are always trying to look like white people the same people they hate. The fake hair if you are so proud of who you are then wear your hair natural and nappy. Put that huge bone in your nose and huge rings through your lips those are your peoples.

    • Korey Xavier Russell says:

      White People are the only race that I have seen make up lies about POC to justify their racist practice towards those who aren’t white. Did black people make a group solely based on the idea of murdering POC? Did black people create jim crow and black codes because they felt superior? And why did black Americans fight for this country only to be murdered and discriminated

      • Patrick says:

        That is some woke bullshit. The Democrats did all the things you you mentioned but there was never any mass murder of Blacks in America. Your attempt to link all POC with Blacks is racist in itself but of course you can’t see that. Many more White people have been murdered by Blacks than Blacks by Whites and even more Blacks have been murdered by Blacks than both the previous examples combined. Whites are superior than Blacks that’s a fact and history proves that many times. Blacks are prone to violence and that is on a global scale not just in the U.S. Did the Blacks free themselves? No not at all in fact slavery still thrives in Africa. Blacks need to stop glorifying crime and violence and get their shit together if they want to compete with the other races of the world …. instead of getting handouts and affirmative action (which is a handout). Whites are not your mommies and daddies and it is about fucking time you stopped looking for handouts and stood up on your own 2 feet. Frankly we’re sick of your whining. We don’t owe you shit.

      • Jess says:

        Seriously dude your whole argument is dated and old.

      • Patrick says:

        Seriously dude, my argument is still relevant, has been for decades and likely will be for some time which should explain the obvious stagnation within the Black community. It is clearly Blacks holding Blacks back and no one else.

  4. Sheily Cordova says:


  5. IW says:

    This is possibly the most ignorant piece of trash I’ve ever read in my life. I pray that one day you’ll be able to love yourself, as much as you hate us. American was not BORN a White country, is was built and MADE a White country, on the backs of millions of slaves. Slaves who at the end of the day, weren’t even allowed to take care of there own family’s. Black people have been treated like dirt and cast aside since many of our ancestors were brought here. It’s the high and mighty like yourself which is problem in this country. There are more white people on welfare taking free money and scamming their own government than their are black. You would do well to use some of that college education, if you have it, to do some of your own research. I would like to think one as opinionated as yourself would do so, before writing such a horrid onesided post as this. Oh, and by research, I don’t mean that whitewashed bullshit you learned in school.This—– “blacks wanting an identity besides being African” pure ignorance. What we wanted was acceptance, and equality, to not be treated like wild animals. Let your history books tell it, and that’s what we were. Our history is rich with many accomplishments, especially those in Science and Mathematics, and without us, you wouldn’t have half the shit you think you deserve. We’ve always had a rich history, it was your forefathers that took it from us and erased it. All this criminality you speak of “Cocaine, crack, marijuana and quaaludes were the recreational drugs of the age with Blacks being among the largest group of dealers in the crack and marijuana business.” Blacks may have been the largest dealers, but where do you think they got it from 🤔. It’s funny you mentioned all the stuff “black people did” , but failed to mention one measly time how the “great” Caucasian race played a part in assisting in the destruction and mayhem. Oh, and just because other countries in the world had slavery as well doesn’t make it right. So let’s not try to justify it. Moron. People like yourself shouldn’t have kids, but if by chance you do, I hope they never become as soulless and bitter as yourself.

    • Patrick says:

      Your knowledge of America is wanting. Keep begging for reparations. Begging for free stuff and special privileges it what you do. Go look up Pastor Manning. He’ll tell you. Blacks never built anything. Blacks are prone to violence on a global scale. The truth hurts doesn’t it.

    • DemocratKlansman says:

      Learn some history you seem ignorant to the window of time we actually had slavery in this country. I don’t think ignorant people like you are savable or worth saving. White people worked hard to make this country and many of the things you enjoy.

    • gortamor says:

      No, slavery did not build America. It helped build the Southern agrarian economy but even the cotton and tobacco grown there had to be transported in ships built in the North.
      The North was the economic engine of the country, with its industry – coal and iron production, and its railroads – not the South.

    • Paul Roos says:

      I.W. BRUCE lee, BRANDON lee, CONNIE chung, PAT morita, NANCY kwan, KRISTI yamaggucci. Etc.etc. Black Americans dont appear to want to assimilate. Check out AKnation, but i warn you youllhear the truth from a black American! AKnation, i dare ya!

    • WeWuzKaaangs says:

      Fuck those niggers- I don’t give a fuck if they built it – I’m sick of them trying to destroy it now.

  6. J says:

    AMERICA is disgusting we are the only country in the world even more then Africa where all you see all over the place is UGLY BLACK PEOPLE. Every tv show movie and award shows! Commercials and now even in the apartment complex that I live in more Black people then White people who actually work for a living. China, Russian and all the other countries must laugh at America the Great which is really only a Great Big cesspool country. Our government caters to black people. We give them everything for free and protect them from all their hate and violence toward whites and Asian. We are a TOTAL DISGRACE AS A COUNTY. Now we have two national Anthems because we allow Blacks to rule the country along side the Jews for Israel. Disgusting Country the United States of Black America with White Christians as Slaves.

  7. Terra says:

    I hope if we do offer reparations THAT is exactly how we offer it… Take the reparation money and LEAVE. Never come back. We are so through with their Bullshit it isn’t even funny anymore.

  8. Bye Bye says:

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero’s
    an Super villains non hero’s, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, Frozen Kristoff, Mortal Kombat Mileena, Omni Man Amber, Resident Evil Jill, The Wonder Years, Josie and the Pussycats, Charmed, The Wiz, Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur, The Taking of Pelham 123, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr Do Little, Death Note live action series on NetFlix,
    Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America] an future black washings in the years
    to come

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
    The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
    in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let’s Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
    Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
    Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
    The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc… than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero’s and or Super Hero’s an Villain’s names here ]
    on Google and you’ll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn’t exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.

  9. joe says:

    Your article should say people suck. People are wired to be selfish and cruel and horde resources. When we run out of resources we start to become tribal again and try to destroy the other tribe. Unfortunately we use face color to tell other tribes. With resources starting to run low in the world i can only see old fashion racism coming back again.
    The only good thing about hitler was he he reduced the worlds population so there was more resources so standard of life was good for everyone who survived war but now everything is going back to shit again. poverty and misery is back in the west so only a matter of time till slavery and the class system is back again :(. We could have made a better world but humanity is hardwired to be selfish and cruel. Ultimately we are animals programmed to survive. Jesus tried to safe us but we killed him because he was different and the Romans turned his name into a money making machine. How cruel is that.

    • Patrick says:

      First of all .. do some research on Hitler (I can help you with that if you like). Everything you’ve been taught is straight up propaganda … all of it. You clearly do not understand this post. A better world? That’s utopian claptrap. Up until very recently the world has been better than it ever was. We have been making a better world and you simply haven’t noticed. But we are on the verge of taking a huge step backwards because of leftists. Clearly you need to spend a lot more time doing research.

      • john says:

        Hitler was an environmentalist research that. It didn’t say everything Hitler did was good it said the “only good thing about Hitler”. Patrick you don’t seem to be reading the reply’s because Joe also said that things where good by saying “so standard of life was good for everyone who survived war”.
        It’s nothing to do with leftists. It’s human nature.
        According to environmentalist we are all dead in 100 years anyway so enjoy that last 100 years of earth before we all destroy it because of greed and hate.

  10. Patrick says:

    If you believe environmentalists you’re an idiot. There is no real proof that anything mankind is doing is having a substantial effect on earth. Weather and climate are products of sun activity. Most of our pollution comes from China and everyones military. As far as Hitler is concerned. He did nothing wrong. The holocaust is a blatant lie to cover up allied war crimes and Hitler never wanted war but Zionist England and to a slightly lessor extent France wanted any excuse to destroy Germany whose economy had become the richest in the world while the rest of the west was suffering through The Great Depression. I’m sure I do more research than anyone you have ever known. Just because I don’t always comment doesn’t mean I don’t read comments. Both world wars were the products of leftists specifically Jewish Marxists and their useful idiots.

  11. UpYours says:

    I think a race war is inevitable. You give a rat a piece of cheese, then it will demand a glass of milk. Racism and just even the idea of racism has become the biggest crime a person can commit now in our society. We allow murder, theft, assault, rape, and just the assault and rape of our own white culture, at the hands of black people, in the hopes that we dare not be perceived as racist. I say embrace it, admit it, give them nowhere to go with that, especially if it means by doing so you will have prevented a violent crime or assault on you, your home, or prevented a rape or assault on your sister, your mother, or other loved one at the hands of one of these animals. A black person in this reply thread wrote, ‘all we ever wanted was equality.’ Well, you’ve had that for decades now but blacks are so much worse off in so many ways. So now that you have that equality, but you can’t make anything of yourselves with it, now you demand not only that, but you demand equity of outcome as well. It’s not enough just to give you the equal chance at a good life, now you want it ensured, you want it hand delivered to you, unapologetically from your viewpoint, at the expense of white people sacrificing their futures. FUCK YOU, AND FUCK THAT!

    • Patrick says:

      Well I do know several successful Black people who didn’t buy into the victim narrative so I can’t say all Blacks are criminals, lazy, or looking for someone to blame for their own failings. That being said a significant percentage of Blacks do fall into that category and maybe it is a majority. I agree with you …. like when I deal with Antifa I tell them I’m a Nazi, I’m not but I tell them I am because fuck them. I don’t hate Black in general as I take people as individuals but I hate the ones who play into that BLM Marist bullshit and the criminals. Blacks have to change their own narrative no one else can do it for them and until they do, they are going to stay (generally speaking) at the bottom of society. The behaviors expressed by groups like BLM are a stain on all Blacks even the hard working successful ones and until the latter group steps up … that is the way it is going to stay. They (sadly the majority) have convinced themselves that they are incapable of success without Whites to help them. They have pigeon holed themselves as inferiors.

  12. Lov Yu Whi Te says:

    Black people would pimp the people who support them just to have some gold chains to wear while calling themselves Dog, they would pimp their mom or rob their mom leave her dead for the money than sell her picture at a museum as Madonna. People that like them what drugs and usually blacks sell them bunk drugs claiming its the highest quality.
    If you like blacks youll have to put up with them breaking your business for stealing your stuff and no business means no capitalism its Berny Sanders promises of new communism.

    • Patrick says:

      Although many Black, maybe even most of them are much like you described here, it is important to realize that not all Blacks are like this. Perhaps they are or seem few and far in between there are good Black people in this world, but like the silent majority they rarely speak up against what they know is wrong.

  13. john says:

    Crime in my city keeps rising, directly correlating with the rise in our black and immigrant population. Downtown used to be very safe at all times. I don’t even go downtown anymore except in the middle of the day as I don’t feel safe (even as a 6′ male). Our media occasionally asks “what is the cause for our gun violence rising, our rapes going up, our burglary and assault spiking?” seemingly befuddled every time. Gee I wonder what it could be. I hope I find a nice all-white or white/asian community to move to someday.

    • Patrick says:

      Yeah my neighborhood used to be completely crime free and then the Blacks and Muslims moved in. It isn’t bad yet but we can see the writing on the wall so like so many other Whites we’ll be moving further north in our state.

  14. Pepper Miller says:

    250 years of slavery, 88 years of Jim Crow, and 65 years of separate but unequal are not excuses. It’s real and that’s where we started. Centuries of free labor to America. Centuries of legislation that prevented Black people from having the same opportunities as whites have contributed to where Black America is today…. progressing but not thriving. We are behind because we are supposed to be behind.

    The bombing of Black Wall Street in 1921 and the embezzlement of Freedman Bank’s deposits of $57 million dollars from newly emancipated slaves and many Black soldiers who fought in the Civil War, That was in 1874. This greatly stifled Black community progress. Where do you think Black people would be if we had those dollars flowing through our homes and communities? According to the DOJ, 62% of Blacks commit crimes against other Blacks vs. 57% of Whites who commit crimes against each other. Race is attached to reporting a crime with Blacks and not for whites. So you don’t do your homework and label us all as criminals. Before COVID, I had an opportunity to travel to a lot of major U.S. markets. I love looking at the skylines of the cities from the plane at night. So beautiful. And in every city, I reminded myself, that Black people own non of those skyscrapers. None. Not because we are shiftless and lazy, but because Black, brown, and poor people continue to get locked out while also navigating broken systems of healthcare, housing, finance, education, and the justice system. This is our reality, not an excuse. We are loving people hard-working, resourceful, intelligent people. There are more Blacks doing the right thing than not. Some of us make bad decisions like some whites make bad decisions. To label, all of us as lazy, criminals, unintelligent, etc. is lazy thinking and ignorant. Many of us live have this 150% Rule — an unspoken obligation to work harder show up better than our white counterparts. It was like that in my household and many in my community.
    Also, as a child, I lived in the segregated south for 5 years during the mid to late 60s. It was painful to hear elected officials, like the governor, call Black people “Niggas”; not be allowed in certain facilities or allowed to vote. In 2022 America, reading your comments isn’t a reflection of a country that has progressed post-Civil Rights. Blacks aren’t looking for handouts. We do want equality and opportunity. In fact, equality is the #1 value for Black people. It’s #8 for whites. We have spent generations and generations seeking it. Working for it. Fighting for it. Funny. America prides itself on psychoanalysis and the value of looking back at one’s past to understand where the emphasis on correcting behavior and healing should be. America, however, won’t look back at her total unbridled history. You, like so many in this country, are clueless about America’s history. I know. You don’t want the founding fathers to look bad. Or you say, so what, that was then. Understanding differences is better than posting evil and untruths about people you don’t know. Different does mean deficient. It’s an opportunity.

    • Patrick says:

      You’re pretty funny. You act as if Blacks were the only slaves on earth. Did you know slavery still thrives in Africa? I am not aware of any Blacks or groups of Blacks who have done anything about that. Who freed Blacks? It wasn’t Black people. If Blacks don’t want handouts then what is affirmative action, BLM and reparations about? Don’t assume that I don’t know American history. The first person to ever legally own a Black person as a slave in America was Anthony Johnson who fought in court to enslave his African indentured servant. Yeah pal I was around in the 60’s too so let’s not pretend you were the only one who was. American Blacks are their own worst enemies and I see this every day because of the success of Haitian people in America who don’t make excuses but go get jobs and have quickly moved up in economic status. Both of my neighbors on either side of my house are Haitian and they haven’t been in America for more than a generation yet still live in an upper middle class neighborhood driving nice cars. They don’t make excuses they work for what they want in life. And what about Black people in politics. They almost always rip off their Black constituency or are involved in some kind of criminal activity. Case in point Maxine Waters. She lives in a mansion and is worth millions while her constituency is one of the poorest in the nation. How many times have Black people resorted to violence? Try reading “White Girl Bleed A Lot”, “Don’t Make The Black Kids Angry” or look at the crime statistics in Chicago, Baltimore or just about any other major city. Not a single Black person in America today (except for perhaps Jesse Lee Peterson) can claim to have ever been a slave and even during slavery very few White people ever owned slaves. Today Blacks are pushing for segregation in university’s and don’t have to meet the same standards as Asians or Whites or just about anyone else to get admitted to those university. Now of course not all Blacks are violence prone, excuse making, criminals with their hands out for free money and privilege’s but the successful Blacks aren’t lifting a finger to guide or in any way help their Black Brothers and sisters. How many Black sports celebrities or actors have opened grocery stores in Black dominated urban area’s where they are needed the most? Not many if any and who could blame them because the odds are pretty good that the locals will eventually find some excuse to burn them down. Blacks need to get their house in order as a group. No one is stopping any of them for being …. say president but themselves.

  15. Madge says:

    Black people are some of the most intolerable people. They always want to feel like they are on top but when they are not, they do not like it and become enraged and bitter. I don’t understand why these people feel so entitled to respect.

  16. George Loeb jr. says:

    Blacks must be repatriated or we must institute segregation again.We cannot continue to live with an alien people who are not our equals and who remain resentful because they lack the traits that would make them equals.It is not the duty of the white man to compensate,at his own costs,the stupidities and irresponsibilities of blacks and to allow ourselves and our nation’s standards of performance,competence and competitiveness to be diminished by initiatives to elevate blacks in order to create the illusion of “equality”.Contrasted with the america of a century ago,today’s black and multiracial america has become a worldwide laughingstock.This is not the america envisioned by our European founders—a nation of black thugs,burned down and blighted cities with crumbling infrastructures and incompetent POC elected “leaders” who are clearly not the equals of their white counterparts and who present a farcical image in the public’s eye with their braided or nappy hair and their large eyeglasses.We can do better,we don’t have to let this country fall into ruin.We don’t have to settle for the pathetic mediocrity that comes from putting blacks or POC in positions of influence or authority in a white founded country.

    • Patrick says:

      You’re probably right. However it is more likely that these people will destroy America. I think a time will come were the White people who are able will escape America and just let the Black and POC and bleeding hearts finish destroying it. Because Blacks and POC never built anything and they sure as heel can’t run a successful country.

  17. d.h says:

    never seen a black kid shoot up a school..yes there is a vast majority of blacks into that criminal shit but thats not all of us, just like how not all of your white children are imitating that criminal lifestyle to fit in. patrick your a pussy, you’ll sit behind a screen and type all this hateful shit about us, but in the real world, you look to the ground when a black person walks past you. youre complaining about violence because you dont have that shit in you. youre a female with a dick.

    • Patrick says:

      I approved this just to show people how fucked up Black people really are. I’ve never seen a mob of White teens create so much havoc in a shopping mall that the mall ended up closing but that scenario is far from rare. Been to South Beach lately? Yeah it ain’t White folks causing a curfew in Miami. Part of the problem is that Black crime is so rampant in America reporting on it isn’t considered news worthy. How about that shooting in the New York subway. It is hilarious watching the news media try to avoid the fact that the perpetrator they are looking for is Black. How exactly are facts hateful shit? Facts are facts. I have plenty of violence in me boy and you should hope you never find out exactly how much. But I have something many Black people lack and that is self control and rationality. I’m not accusing you personally of anything … you on the other hand. I’m sure everyone can see your rationality and self control here for themselves.

  18. Jaxson says:

    Great piece of REAL journalism,hats off. Sadly, this is a race of hopelessness. There is no cure,no remedy, no humane way out. Its a mass kill. You can’t bargain genetics. The science, the stats, the sheer reality of a GOV that forces YOU, the taxpayer to support this worthless race. NO MORE>
    Its time to exterminate, not placate or pacify this problem. No amount of money or offers of relocation would change the simple fact blacks are a genectically inferior race.
    The Highest black IQ test on record as of 2020 was 102 which was considered exceptionally high considering the guy was merely an auto mechanic. The majority of the so called college educated athletes are totally illiterate and cant even read. The musical SO CALLED TALENT in rap annoyances is the biggest disgrace to modern music in the history of mankind. Blacks in film, another JOKE> Will Smith is not even a beginning of a pimple on a thesperian actors ass. Not a candidate to recieve an oscar He showed exactly what he really was and is, A useless black man in america riding steadily on the backs of the white man he hates so intimately.
    Some real STATS to ponder:
    78% of welfare recipients are black,
    88% of all Violent CRIME is commited by blacks.
    70% of death row inmates are black.
    81% of all american black receive GOV assistance.
    Sadly these numbers don’t lie. There are a small percentage of blacks in america who want no part of this label. But the fact remains WHITES built this world. Blacks stood back and took a free ride and still do today.
    Wake up America.
    Viking form Hell

    • Patrick says:

      I don’t think killing people is much of an answer. I say offer them $100,000 each to go to Africa and never come back. Let’s see all these Kangs make somethin g out of their homeland. Not that they ever did in the past, but they have had the benefit of a western education and surely their motherland needs them. This idea of White Supremacy whether true or not is being promoted to subjugate the White race and has to stop. Black hate White people and you see it in everything they do and everything they say and then blame Whites for their own hatred. Let them prove to the world that Blacks can make something out of themselves ….. in their own homeland.

  19. Sheena says:

    Yet blacks help build and mold half the world you people live in . From the culture you lack and steal from everyone else the ignorance and self hate is terrible look. It’s also annoying when you all use this from Africa I’m sorry sense when where Europeans originals of America ?

    • Patrick says:

      LMAO. When Whites came to Africa Black people hadn’t invented the wheel yet. Just ask Pastor Manning (he’s Black) or Jesse Lee Peterson (he’s also Black) what great civilizations Black people have created. The answer is none. Blacks average I.Q. is 70 which is 30 points below the worlds average. Your lack of historical and archeological studies is astounding to me. These are facts not racist comments. I wish Black people would get their shit together but y’all just sit around making excuses and being violent and it is just sad. I hope someday you get your shit together but I don’t see that happening any time soon. Stop being proud of the little to nothing you have done to make the world better and start today trying to make the world better. You were never Kangs.

      • Sheena James says:

        How do blacks lack historical and archeological do you really live under a swamp rock . I’m more then sure you get information from Wikipedia. It unrealistic to believe this at all . Clearly you love to hear yourself talk . America as a whole is under regards to education and Whites lack Historical and archeological everything was stolen or changed to make it believable that you all created everything .

      • Patrick says:

        Blacks thought so little of their own history they never bothered to record it. You have an amazing inability to construct a proper sentence. Unless English isn’t your first language you completely failed to take advantage of the free public school system.

  20. Terry Scott says:

    I am a white highly educated 78 year old woman and I live in Raleigh NC……I have been attacked by blacks ( twice )…I have had my billfold stolen by a black….I have had a necklace ripped from my neck by a black….I have had a cane stolen from my front door ( which was open ) by a black, who later made the statement that ” I thought you lost it. “…..Please…..spare me the lies…..There was a black woman in my apartment building that if any of the delivery services left packages near your door, she would steal them, and have the guts to wear some of the items that she stolid ..I have seen blacks who are amazingly cruel to animals…..And in all fairness there are probably a few blacks out there who are decent…..But they are far and few between the majority….I do not understand how America is allowing these people to get away with anything that they desire? And when are the white people going to stand up to them and say ” This is enough….act human, or leave. “…….When does ” enough ” become ” enough…” And please do not label me with the word prejudge, ” fed up, is a far more accurate terminology…

  21. Brent Sheffield says:

    I see you’re on the road to reality.
    The hidden Reality. Truth.

  22. Lee says:

    I agree. Unfortunately, I think that the negro acts as it does because it is not a civilized creature. They were found half naked, and living like animals in the jungle, because that is what they are, animals. The Bible describes these creatures as “The Beasts of the Field.” They should be returned to where they were found. We can not expect an animal to understand civilization, let alone know how to function within it. If anything destroys the United States, it shall be the negro. They are murderous, raping, rage filled, thieves, and they have absolutely nothing to contribute to society. There is a reason the Bible said those women that sleep with these animals should be put to death. Who wants to see a human woman give birth to an orange shitskin ? It’s an abomination. Until mankind turns back to Almighty God, and repents, nothing will get any better.

  23. Ana Ng says:

    Alot was said here. I’m a black female, about the complexion of the Vice President and Candace Owens. Born in NYState. Now live in Atlanta, Georgia. Always assimilated, and happy about it.

    Now, I encounter more negroes than in my entire life, and I have never been treated so badly. The males are mean; straight out mean. I had a good, lifelong career in a relatively diverse environment where I was received and treated well. Life changed, and now I’m in a manufacturing environment. I was raised with culture and character. Yet, as I walk around my workplace, and attemt to cordially speak to those in passing, I receive glares and no response. As if I’d done something malicious to them. Killed their dog? Slashed their tires? I don’t even know these people, that clearly don’t want to give me a chance to get to know them, and all I can say, after a few decades of life, I have never been treated as rudely by caucasians and other Europeans, as I have by these humans (?), that share my ethnicity.

    No race is any one thing, but Black Lives Matter doesn’t begin to represent all minorities.

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